#1 ANXIETY, WORRY & DOUBT dial-down secrets 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s and ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 58 minutes #1 is complemented by Pep Talks #2, 3 & 7
#8 FRIENDS, GROUPS & FINDING YOUR FIT tips & treasures 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 63 minutes #8 is complemented by Pep Talks #1, 2, 6 & 7
Part 1 - FRIENDS MAKE LIFE BETTER includes - 21 minutes
1. Why teens prioritise their friendships so much 2. Connection and friendship changes the teen brain and why this matters so much 3. 10 green friendship flags to help teens look for the GOLD in friendships 4. Four chunks of friendship advice for teensPart 2 - GROUPS, CHOICES & DRAMA DIAL DOWN includes - 21 minutes
1. The big 6 Questions and why/how they impact friendships and group dynamics 2. The 3 L’s and how they can change a friendship instantly 3. There’s no one-size-fits-all friendship recipe 4. Responsibility starts with each teen, and that’s a good thing 5. Why teen gossip is a no-go zone 6. How teens can dial down drama and stay clear of it 7. Two questions teens can use to pour a bucket of water on the gossip firePart 3 - JUDGEMENT, ASSUMPTIONS & THE GRUDGE CLUB includes - 21 minutes
1. Why judgement is ok in cafés but not between humans 2. How judgement damages connections between teens 3. Helping teens see the no-one has to be right or wrong, it's ok to be different 4. Three ways to replace ‘judgy’ thoughts. 5. Understanding the teen brain, and when it's stressed, why it acts in weird ways 6. THINK AGAIN technique to change thought pathways 7. Teen grudges and how to make sense of them? 8. Teen grudges and why they hang out with big ugly emotions 9. The final thoughts – generosity, perfection and saying sorry -
#2 CONFIDENCE, COURAGE & SELF-BELIEF care kit 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 55 minutes *#2 is complemented by Pep Talks #1, 6 & 7
Part 1 - BIG 6 QUESTIONS STACK UP includes - 14 minutes
- What does confidence really mean and practical ways teens can take care of it
- Why confidence is very different to cockiness, arrogance, and big noting
- Why teens ask themselves THE BIG 6 QUESTIONS so much
- Tips to make the BIG 6 QUESTIONS boost teens confidence, not block it and squash it
- Make ‘WHAT IF’ questions work in teen’s favour to boost them up, not drag them down
- Getting to know the teen brain
- Why teens freak out when they’re faced with a modern threat, like a test or exam and what to do when it happens
- Help for teens to use CHOICE as their superpower and make their choices count
Part 2 - CRUSHING UNHELPFUL COMPARISONS includes - 14 minutes
- Why comparisons are normal and a regular part of everyone's life
- Comparisons can even keep teens safe when they know how to use them well!
- FACTS ADD UP – teaching teens how to separate facts from unhelpful distractions
- How teens can use compliments to boost their confidence and that of others
- Message to teen - Please don’t change, the world needs you as you are
- Why teens' thoughts about self, need to be stronger than anyone else’s thoughts about them
- Teens can give themselves permission to be THEM SELF, and learn to totally OWN IT!
Part 3 - SELF-BELIEF BOOST includes - 21 minutes
- Reminding teens their self-belief is an inside job, which is one they can’t set-and-forget
- Three simple techniques to boost teen day-to-day self-belief
- Why managing the morning like a 'pro' can set-up teens up for a better day
- Teaching teens the difference between facts and everything else
- How teens can follow the facts to keep their self-belief in a good spot
- Why future-forecasting can mess with teen mindset
- Guiding teens to listen to their self-talk and look after it too
- Why ‘being present’ is awesome for teens and boosting confidence
- Technique - be where your feet are, right here, right now
- How anxious thinking can burst teens' self- belief bubble and ways to avoid it
#7 MINDSET, HAPPINESS & ENERGY boosting habits 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 62 *#7 is complemented by Pep Talks #2, 4, 6
Part 1 - MINDSET MOVING THOUGHTS & CHOICES includes - 20 minutes
1. Helping teens manage their mindset 2. Teaching teens to be their mindset boss! 3. Teen mindset will never be set-and-forget so teens need to take care of it on a daily basis 4. How teens use their thoughts as their mindset's engine room 5. Thinking Technique – Below and above-the-line 6. Power of day-to-day choices and how teens can ride the rollercoaster of life better 7. Thoughts have consequences for teen wellbeing 8. Getting to know BIG feelings and emotions 9. Teen mindset tool – 80:20 10. Teen Mindset tool – FLIP IT 11. Why fake positivity causes trouble for teens 12. Mindset helps teens manage the ups and downs of lifePart 2 - LIFE, STUFF & PERSPECTIVE includes - 20 minutes
1. Understanding ‘stuff’ and how teens can use it to their advantage 2. How not all ’stuff’ is created equally and why teens need to know this 3. What teens are thinking and how it creates a ripple effect 4. Thoughts on repeat, have consequences for teen happiness 5. Thought choice is empowering and confidence boosting 6. Mindset Tool – SHIFT YOUR FOCUS 7. Why gratitude and gratefulness can make a difference to teen happinessPart 3 – EVERYDAY, MINDSET & HABITS includes - 22 minutes
1. Morning habits have a knock-on effect to teen mindset 2. Morning stress messes with teen mindset 3. Simple mood boosters teens can use daily 4. Music when chosen on purpose, can help teens move their mood 5. Helping teens understand the roll of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin 6. SING, but why? 7. Movement is a good thing for teens. Exercise, movement, team or solo sports 8. WHAT IF questions and how they can lift a teen up or drag a teen down -
#4 MOTIVATION, ACTION & PROGRESS to simplify life 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 65 minutes *#4 is complemented by Pep Talks #1, 5, 6 & 9
Part 1 MANAGING MOTIVATION includes - 22 minutes
1. Understand motivation and what teens can to when it doesn’t show up 2. When Plan A fails, what teens can do next 3. Signs teen motivation is lacking, and ways teens can manage this problem 4. Ostrich head in the sand approach - why it doesn’t work for teens 5. Why anxious feelings can rise up in teens when motivation drops 6. Helping teens know their WHY and how to make the most of it 7. What teens can do when parts of life don’t float their boatPart 2 OUTSMARTING OVERWHELM includes - 25 minutes
1. How teens can seek to outsmart, but not eliminate overwhelm 2. Why a teen’s brain flips and they lose it with an almighty meltdown? 3. The tipping point and how teens can pull it back sooner rather than later 4. When teens meltdown – how they can bounce back from tears and tantrums? 5. Knowing about the stress response and teen symptoms 6. Excellent technique STOP, DROP & SORT for teens when overwhelm hitsPart 3 – REWARDING SUCCESS includes - 18 minutes
1. Teen brain loves rewards and teens can use this to their advantage 2. Why Dopamine matters to teen happiness and wellbeing 3. Teen success, that’s for them to decide. No-one else! 4. Get to learn more about rewards and motivation and why they matter so much 5. Reminding teens to celebrate the little stuff and the small wins along the way 6. Teaching teens to be on the watch for trouble-making thoughts and what to do about them -
#3 STRESS, OVERWHELM & PRESSURE taming tools 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 62 minutes *#3 is complemented by Pep Talks #1, 4, 5 & 9
Part 1 - STRESS WARNING SIGNS & SHRINKERS includes - 23 minutes
- Making it normal to talk about stress and why conversations matter
- Helping teens stress less, rather than trying to make stress vanish completely
- Get to know how stress is connected to the nervous system and why this matters so much to teens
- How adrenaline and cortisol play a big role when teens are feeling stressed
- Teens need to know about two main types of stress - helpful and unhelpful
- Know the physical warning signs that indicate stress is hanging around
- Three simple affirmations to help teens reset when stress strikes
- Teen-talk about moving and exercise and how it’s connected to stress chemicals
- Four great ways teens can reduce stressful feelings when they feel intense
- Hello Hoola Hoop thinking – a wonderful way to dial down stress
Part 2 - STRESS TRIGGERS & BETTER THINKING includes - 16 minutes
- Have you heard of stress triggers? Teens need to know they’re different for everyone
- Ways teens can understand external triggers
- Teen tools to handle triggers – these are really popular
- THINK AGAIN – 4 steps to help teens shift their thinking
- YOU HAVE THE POWER – teaching teens to think on purpose
- Why a teen’s next thoughts are so powerful
Part 3 - OUTSMARTING OVERWHELM & PRESSURE includes - 23 minutes
- A stressed teen brain doesn’t think or behave in helpful ways
- When the teen brain is stressed, and how it impacts big or permanent decisions
- Giving up and quitting. There are other options available to teens when they’re feeling stressed
- Helping teens get to know the 4 stress responses – flight, fight, flee and fawn
- Teens can practice getting comfortable with stress, and why that’s a game-changer for them
- How wind-down and wake-up breaks help teens manage their own stress
- Learn how activity and rest impacts a teen’s brain and body when it’s stressed out
- Six guiding questions to help teens be more balanced and less stressed
- Three simple stress soothers that are FREE and available 24/7
#5 PROCRASTINATION, ROUTINE & PRODUCTIVITY get sorted tips 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 65 minutes #5 is complemented by Pep Talks #3, 4 & 7
Part 1 - BEATING PROCRASTINATION includes - 24 minutes
1. Three ways procrastination shows up and adds to teen guilt, stress and anxiety 2. How procrastination is a teen confidence crusher and wellbeing wrecker 3. Three practical teen tactics to push past procrastination 4. Why parents and teachers see procrastination as ’laziness’ – helping teens see an adult's point of view! 5. Reflective questions to help teens do things differently 6. Ways to helps the teen brain push past procrastination 7. Using thoughts as mood movers for teensPart 2 - ROUTINE TO THE RESCUE includes - 20 minutes
1. A simple routine that can decrease feelings of teen stress, overwhelm and anxiety 2. Why routines are needed and how they can help teens juggle everything on their plate 3. Routines are needed - clues teens to look out for 4. Classic morning and afternoon routines for teen wellbeing 5. Why 15 minutes can matter so much to teensPart 3 - PLANNING FOR PRODUCTIVITY includes - 21 minutes
1. Helping teens stop time-wasting and get stuff done 2. Popular Sunday Set Up and Wednesday Wind up routine for teens 3. Productivity ingredients - knowing WHY, HOW and WHAT teens need 4. Life balance - teens need to a good mix of work, rest and play! 5. Ways teens can manage time to make the most of 5 school days -
#9 GOALS, DECISIONS & SUCCESS guiding steps 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 61 minutes #9 is complemented by Pep Talks #2, 4, 6 & 7
Part 1 - SMARTER GOOD-LIFE GOALS includes - 20 minutes
1. The truth about goals and how they can boost teen confidence 2. Five goal-setting tips that make sense to teens 3. Why starting with short term goals is a good idea for teens 4. How to work out what your goals should be 5. SMARTER GOALS – 7 steps and why shortcuts don’t work for teens 6. How teens can stay motivated when they are working towards a short-term goal 7. Three myths about teen goals and why some goals need to stay personalPart 2 - DECISION MAKING and MOVING ON includes - 20 minutes
1. Why decisions can feel so hard and hurt the teen brain! 2. How a teen brain reacts when it needs it to make a decision 3. What do decision-making and problem-solving have in common 4. Why all decisions are not bad – think ice-cream! 5. How decision-making avoidance can backfire for teens 6. How teens can use big emotions to their advantage when they are making big decisions 7. Why decisions need teens to COMMIT 8. How wrong decisions can still teach teens cool stuff 9. Three Questions – it’s all about head, heart and gutPart 3 - THE TRUTH ABOUT SUCCESS includes - 21 minutes
1. Success is an inside job, only teens decide what success means to them 2. Teens can choose their success mindset 3. Every teen’s personality has shine and shade parts, they need to love both! 4. Why teen success is fuelled by bravery and courage 5. Mentors can help teens stay on track 6. How teens can catch their control freak, which can stand in the way of their success 7. Teens can learn how to look out for the comparison trap 8. Why it’s so important for teens to stay in their own lane -
#6 FAIL, RECOVER & FLOURISH game-changers 3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s and ups and downs more confidently. TOTAL - 59 minutes * #6 is complemented by Pep Talks #2, 3 & 9
Part 1 - MISTAKES, REPAIR & MOVING ON includes - 18 minutes
1. There’s a big difference between mistakes and failures 2. How teens can repair mistakes so they don’t crush their confidence 3. Why learning and lessons calm busy teen brain 4. How teens can shift their perspective 5. Six reflective questions and ways to make them count 6. Responsibility - helping teens OWN their mistakes, stay honest and be strong 6. What happens when teens are on the receiving end of a mistake?Part 2 - FAILURE, MYTHS & MINDSET includes - 20 minutes
1. There’s a difference between feedback and criticism, 6 things teens can look for 2. Popularity stakes when teens succeed and fail? 3. Why teens feel anxious when they seek perfection 3. Failure and failing emotions and what they mean for teens 4. Failure sends the teen brain into protect and defend mode, so how can teens manage this? 5. How can teens manage stress chemicals in their body? 6. Why a ‘blaming and shaming’ mindset damages teens 7. Clever affirmations to soothe the teen brainPart 3 - FAILING, EMOTIONS & LESSONS includes - 21 minutes
1. Guiding questions to help teens understand failure 2. What to do when failure feels like a tsunami 3. Owning failure and leaning into big ugly emotions 4. Teaching teens to look for lessons and learnings 5. Private -v- public failure and how teens handle this 7. Teen tools to calm their brain 8. The role of teen 'sulking' and how they can use it wisely 9. What to do when other teens succeed? 10. Social media and how it impacts teens' wellbeing