Game-changing webinars for teens!
Highschoolers have a lot going and they need so many skills and tools to be their best in high school.
So Claire has done the heavy lifting for parents by creating 2 on-demand webinars options – THE ORGANISED TEENAGER for year 7-12s, and HELLO HIGH SCHOOL which is perfect for tweens starting high school.
Teenagers are busy, they are juggling sport, sleep, homework, friendships, chores, family, school and part time employment, so it makes sense teenagers and parents love the flexibility to learn and upskill at a time that suits their life, energy and schedule. With this in mind, Claire has made all webinars on-demand, so they can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and for 12 months from purchase date.
On-demand webinars are especially for high schoolers, but parents can definitely watch them too. Please do!
Have you heard about Claire’s Pep Talks?