Claire brings popular social, emotional & mental wellbeing presentations to your High School in 2022.
No two high schools are identical; cohorts, students, parents and school priorities are different and with their unique needs. Claire keeps this front of mind when she works with staff to design and deliver presentations for years 8-12 and combinations of.
Claire has been presenting to students and parents since 2008. She believes the needs of teens are urgent, and now is the time to upskill young people so they can learn to take charge of their own wellbeing and feel better equipped to look ahead with more resilience, optimism and confidence.
The need is real and the time is now. Teenagers are doing their very best to understand their rapidly changing brain, manage their mindset, regulate their energy levels and take care of their emotions, all while trying to achieve their academic personal best and find their precious friendship fit, in what can seem like a never ending journey.
Each high school year is different and children experience it in their own way, but we do know that many young people experience too much overwhelm, stress and anxiety, especially if they do not feel adequately equipped with tools and strategies required to handle the ups and downs of high school life.
Claire shares social, emotional and mental wellbeing presentations with year 8-12 students and their families. Drawing on her extensive experience as a teacher, deputy principal, presenter and teen coach of 13+ years. These practical sessions highlight ‘must-have’ messages shared in Claire’s popular books, written especially for teens – ROC and RISE and Hello High School and its companion PLANNER.
Claire’s most popular presentations:
- Managing mindset and understanding emotions
(Discovering how the quality of our thoughts impact emotions, simple ways to think well, be self-aware, notice self-talk and learn tools to turn thoughts and emotions around)- Thinking in helpful ways and use perspective wisely
(Exploring teen-friendly switch strategies which help high schoolers maintain perspective, working with their emotions and being kind to themselves and others. Insight into feel good chemicals and ways to boost mindset from the inside out)- Handling change, challenges, setbacks, and success
(Discussing the power of stories, facts and perspective and how they can help or hinder high school happiness, especially in tough times)- Getting sorted, feel organized and learn to be more productive
(Sharing practical routines, habits and time-tested ways to get work done and feel good even when you don’t love the subject)- Finding their fit, building healthy friendships and staying true to themselves
(Handling conflict, feedback and criticism. Learning the Three L’s to foster harmony and ways to stay true to you, even if everyone is hustling for popularity)- Leadership and believing in yourself
(Understanding how to lead and be a leader following simple leadership strategies. Managing conflict and knowing how to navigate criticism, grow from feedback and help other people be their best too.)
- Presentations are tailored to meet the needs of teen and parent audiences.
How will Presentations happen in your High School?
Available to book Monday – Friday
Student sessions
All students together in one big space, preferably in chairs. This may be a combination of year levels – 8,9 or 9/10 or 8-10, 10-12 or 11 or 11/12. It’s totally at the school’s discretion.
Parent session
All parents and extended family member are welcome to attend evening parent presentations. Numbers are only dictated by the space in your school. These events are often held in the school theatre.120 minutes, 6.30 – 8.30pm (available Monday to Thursday)
Claire’s requirements
- One school contact person – e.g. Teacher, Student Services Coordinator or Head of Year
- Projector, screen and microphone
- Technology ready to receive Claire’s laptop
- Table to display books ROC and RISE, YOU are awesome and Hello High School and its companion Planner. Claire’s team come along to take care of any book sales.
How to get Claire’s presentations happening in your high school in 2021 and 2022?
It only takes one enthusiastic mum, dad, caregiver, teacher or student support staff member to get the ball rolling.
Let’s make this happen!
Presentations are created and quoted according to your school’s needs.
ENQUIRY FORM – Please complete and submit if you are interested in Claire presenting at your high school. Claire will reply within 24 hours.
Want to know more?
Please be in touch
Praise for Claire’s Coaching
You have made such a big difference to our family, we all use the tools you gave us because they work. The dynamics and connection between all 5 of us has really changed for the better. We’re most grateful.
Thank you for all your help with the problem I had with bullies. Everything you taught me about my thinking style and my body language was good and it worked at school.
Laugh, learn and feel good… that’s how I would describe our evening. Thanks so much Claire, we are all incredibly grateful for your time, knowledge and gentle way.
We loved the insights, stories and the opportunity to have anonymous questions answered in such a professional, yet relaxed way. Thanks Claire.
I just want to say thanks for all your help so far. My parents say that I don’t get as stressed anymore and I think I agree with them.

Books by Claire Eaton