Claire Brings HELLO HIGH SCHOOL Sessions to Primary Schools
Moving from primary school to high school can bring enormous change for young people and parents. The first term and semester of high school is especially important as children:
- adjust to their new, often larger school and streamline timing and movement between classes
- find their friendship fit and re-establish their social position and feeling of belonging amongst hundreds of year 7 students
- navigate a new academic arena and adjust to changing standards and expectations in each subject
- get a handle on homework, planning and organising and build their independence at a steady pace
- learn how to manage their mindset, emotions and choices so they can stress less and enjoy school more
In addition, children are also trying to manage their mindset, regulate their energy and take care of their emotions as step into their emerging teen years. But with the right tools and information, transition to high school can be a memorable experience, for all the right reasons.
This move can be exciting and fun, but it can also invite overwhelm, stress and anxiety, especially if young people do not feel adequately equipped with tools and strategies needed to transition more confidently.
Claire shares her Hello High School presentations with year 6 students and their families in term 4. Drawing on her extensive experience as a teacher, deputy principal and teen coach, these practical ‘primary to high’ sessions highlight must-have messages shared in Claire’s books for teens – ROC and RISE and Hello High School.
Claire will guide students through the “BIG HIGH SCHOOL 5″, ‘must-have’ practical strategies which boost high school (roc) resilience, optimism, and confidence from the inside out, helping tweens to feel ahead of the game and more ready to transition from primary to high school, with less stress and more success in 2024.
“THE BIG HIGH SCHOOL 5” teaches high school starters how to:
- Manage their mindset and understand emotions
(Discover how the quality of our thoughts impact emotions, simple ways to think well, be self-aware, notice self-talk and learn tools to turn thoughts and emotions around)- Think in helpful ways and use perspective wisely
(Explore tween-friendly switch strategies which help high schoolers maintain perspective, work with their emotions and be kind to themselves on their new adventure)- Handle change, challenges, setbacks, and success
(Discuss the power of stories, facts and beliefs which can help or hinder high school happiness, especially in tough times)- Get sorted, feel organized and learn to be more productive
(Share practical routines, rituals and time-tested ways to get work done and feel good)- Find their fit, build healthy friendships and stay true to themselves
(Learn the Three L’s to foster harmony and ways to stay true to you, even if everyone is hustling for popularity)
How will Hello High School happen in your Primary School?
One day. Two sessions
Both sessions on the same day. Available to book Monday – Thursday
Student session
All Year 6 students together in one big space, preferably in chairs (gives a more high school feel)60-75 minutes (it zooms along as there’s so much information being shared)
Parent session
All parents and extended family member welcome. Numbers are only dictated by the space in your school. These events are often held in the school library or large space.
90 minutes, 6.30 – 8pm
Claire’s requirements
- One school contact person – e.g. year 6 teacher
- Projector, screen and microphone
- Laptop prepared to receive USB
- Table to display books YOU are awesome, ROC and RISE and Hello High School and its companion Planner
How to get Hello High School sessions happening in your primary school?
It only takes one enthusiastic mum, dad, carer or teacher to get the ball rolling.
Email Claire and let her know you’re interested and ask any questions you may have.
Forward the information flyer to people at the school, those shakers and movers who will get this awesome event for year 6 students and their families happening pronto!
Let’s make this happen!
HELLO HIGH SCHOOL student sessions are available in Term 4 – Monday – Friday
Parent sessions Monday – Thursday
Tip – Run this idea past your school P&C’s – they love to get involved!
Why? – Parents and children hear the same messages, so they can be on the same page making transition less stressful and more enjoyable for everyone!
Want to know more, or you are good to go and ready to book in term 4?
Please be in touch
Praise for Claire’s Coaching
You have made such a big difference to our family, we all use the tools you gave us because they work. The dynamics and connection between all 5 of us has really changed for the better. We’re most grateful.
We loved the insights, stories and the opportunity to have anonymous questions answered in such a professional, yet relaxed way. Thanks Claire.
Thank you for all your help with the problem I had with bullies. Everything you taught me about my thinking style and my body language was good and it worked at school.
I just want to say thanks for all your help so far. My parents say that I don’t get as stressed anymore and I think I agree with them.
Laugh, learn and feel good… that’s how I would describe our evening. Thanks so much Claire, we are all incredibly grateful for your time, knowledge and gentle way.

Books by Claire Eaton