Preparation for Coaching

Please complete and submit this form at least 24 hours before your child’s FIRST coaching session, so Claire can be fully prepared when she meets your teenager.

Wherever possible, both parents/carers are encouraged to complete individual forms. Thank you.

    Parent First Name:

    Last Name:

    Email Address:

    Mobile Number:

    Son or Daughter's Name:


    Date of Birth:

    School Name:

    Current Year Level:

    Has your child been in session with a counsellor, school psychologist, coach, therapist of any type in recent years? If so, please give details:

    What are your child's strengths, talents, interests and hobbies?:

    Do you have any concerns about your child? Please give details:

    What would you like to see as result of your child being coached?

    NOTE - Each session must be paid for prior to appointment, not after a session has already occurred. Thank you

    Is there anything else you would like me to know?

    What expectations do you have of Claire, your child’s coach?

    How did you find out about Claire's services?

    Would you like to find out more about Claire presenting at your child’s school? If yes, please provide your school name:

    Has your teen/you read Claire's books - 'ROC and RISE', 'HELLO HIGH SCHOOL" or "THE ORGANISED TEENAGER?' YES. Great, please bring copies to each session, Thank you.NO. Books are recommended reading to support coaching sessions and in-between session learning. Thank you

    Has your teen or you listened to any of Claire's Pep Talks? If yes, please list Pep Talks:
