#7 MINDSET, HAPPINESS & ENERGY boosting habits
3-Part Audio PEP TALKS filled with evidence-based tools and teen-tested wellbeing and mindset boosting tips, to support young people aged 12 -18 (but not limited to) feel better equipped to tackle life’s ups and downs more confidently.
TOTAL – 62
*#7 is complemented by Pep Talks #2, 4, 6
20 minutes
1. Helping teens manage their mindset
2. Teaching teens to be their mindset boss!
3. Teen mindset will never be set-and-forget so teens need to take care of it on a daily basis
4. How teens use their thoughts as their mindset’s engine room
5. Thinking Technique – Below and above-the-line
6. Power of day-to-day choices and how teens can ride the rollercoaster of life better
7. Thoughts have consequences for teen wellbeing
8. Getting to know BIG feelings and emotions
9. Teen mindset tool – 80:20
10. Teen Mindset tool – FLIP IT
11. Why fake positivity causes trouble for teens
12. Mindset helps teens manage the ups and downs of life
Part 2 – LIFE, STUFF & PERSPECTIVE includes –
20 minutes
1. Understanding ‘stuff’ and how teens can use it to their advantage
2. How not all ’stuff’ is created equally and why teens need to know this
3. What teens are thinking and how it creates a ripple effect
4. Thoughts on repeat, have consequences for teen happiness
5. Thought choice is empowering and confidence boosting
6. Mindset Tool – SHIFT YOUR FOCUS
7. Why gratitude and gratefulness can make a difference to teen happiness
Part 3 – EVERYDAY, MINDSET & HABITS includes –
22 minutes
1. Morning habits have a knock-on effect to teen mindset
2. Morning stress messes with teen mindset
3. Simple mood boosters teens can use daily
4. Music when chosen on purpose, can help teens move their mood
5. Helping teens understand the roll of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin
6. SING, but why?
7. Movement is a good thing for teens. Exercise, movement, team or solo sports
8. WHAT IF questions and how they can lift a teen up or drag a teen down